Saturday, August 14, 2010

Maple Spice and all things nice

I made maple walnut ice cream a couple of weeks ago and haven't eaten pancakes lately so I had plenty of leftover maple syrup to try the egg-less maple spice recipe from the recent New York Times article. This ice cream was jazzed up with cinnamon, cardamom and cloves. Brilliant! It came out smooth and creamy with a hint of spice. It also maintained its texture a lot more than the Blue Bottle coffee ice cream, which I made without the eggs.

David Lebovitz said in the New York Times article (which I missed the first time I read it, oops!) that alcohol or liquid sugars like maple syrup or just raising the sugar content help with the texture and prevent it from freezing rock solid. Aha! It has nothing to do with eggs or heating milk without cream. My declared cousin, Lyndsay, talented proprietor of Coco Cake Cupcakes and fellow ice cream maker, also noticed this when she made her delicious Vietnamese coffee ice cream using sweetened condensed milk.

Sugar and spice and all things nice
That's what good girls and ice cream are made of.

(But I'd still like to know what good boys are made of... ;)


  1. ahhhh!! your maple walnut actually inspired me to get walnuts recently to make maple walnut... it's also my pal amber's fave flavour and i decided i was going to start making my all my friends' fave flavours, just for something to do and to give as gifts...!

    i dug into my vietnamese coffee ice cream yesterday and finished it off (rich and i had gone sailing for 10 days) and it was just as soft and scoopable as day 1!!! so yes i am so stoked on... adding sugar! haha. even though i like things not too sweet. i gotta find the perfect balance...

    i love the sound of the added spices... sounds like a lovely, depth-y ice cream!!!


  2. PS... good boys are made of... french fries and donuts??

    those are good things.. hee!
